Quailwood Elementary School Home

girl on computer

Online Safety Tips

Online safety is important for kids to stay safe while using the internet. Find some helpful safety tips that every parent should know. Stay smart and safe while having fun online! 


News & Announcements

kindergarten info

Kindergarten Registration!!

Beginning Friday, March 7th we will be accepting all new/ incoming TK & Kindergarten Students for the 2025-2026 school year! Please be ready to fill out forms here at our school and bring 2 utility bills, your student's birth certificate and immunization records.
Parent Project

Sign up for Parent Project!

Need some strategies for challenging behavior? This is the course for you!! Reserve your spot today! Dinner and childcare provided.
school supplies

About Us

The Fruitvale School District is located in northwest Bakersfield. Founded in 1895, the District includes Columbia Elementary, Discovery Elementary, Endeavour Elementary, Quailwood Elementary and Fruitvale Junior High Schools, and has a current TK-grade 8 enrollment of 3,062 students.